Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Please go to for more information on Emmalee.


Katie Davis said...

Emmalee- I read your story on KSL and followed the link here. My heart goes out to you as you battle your cancer, and I pray that Heavenly Father will strengthen and comfort you as you keep fighting. Keep your chin up little one! I know that your Savior, Jesus Christ, is close by you to help you and bless you with his love. He once suffered just for you- He knows, Emmalee! Don't forget that. I have 2 little ones of my own and I can't imagine how it hurts your mom and dad to see you suffereing right now. My love and prayers are with them also. I'll check back often, if that's okay! And, I just have to tell you how beautiful you are! Hair or not- you are gorgeous. Many wishes for a magical Christmas!

momomom said...

Hi Emmalee!
I am a friend of Joice Romero's, and she told me about what a great girl you are. :) You remember Joice, right?! :)
I've been following your story and was happy to see you on the news on!
You are in our thoughts and prayers here in Bountiful - I think of you often. In fact, I'm thinking of naming my first daughter Emmalee after her ancestor Emma, her aunt Emily, and YOU, Emmalee! You are so brave.
Much love,
Tiffany Watts and Family

Megan Nielsen said...

I read the story on KSL and came to your blog.
Emmalee you a gorgeous! I have to say I love your bald head, but I may be biased. My little boy Tanner had hepatoblastoma, also liver cancer. He was treated at PCMC. We live in Layton.
If we can do anything for you, we'd be honored. TANNERNIELSEN
Hugs, Megan