Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bike Across The Country

I met Navid Attayan on-line as a result of a YouTube video.  I was awed by his desire to help a cause and children who he has never met.  Selfishness seems to abide among the culture of our teenagers and college students.  It is the generation of, "What's in it for me?" I have actually heard college students say, "I'm not moved to action by seeing dying, bald kids."  I was pleased to hear of a young man who is thinking beyond his social life, studies, work and even family.  He is a senior at James Madison University and seems to have a huge heart.

This next summer he will be biking across the United States.  He will go from Harrisonburg, Virginia and arrive in San Diego, California.  He will do this in a very short period of just 8 weeks.  His desire is to raise funds for Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer, that mainly strikes kids under the age of two.

This is an ambitious effort and he needs funds to support his ride but also ultimately, he wants what I want, a CURE for childhood cancer.  I am asking that you support him by either helping fund his effort directly or during the week from 11/12/12 through 11/19/12 go to my website and purchase a book or shirt and I will give 50% of the proceeds to his cause.

Here is his page and Facebook page  

Please join with me in this great young mans effort.

